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Pre-tax capital income [pre-tax capital income ranking] (United States)
Adults | Equal-split adults | Average

[Show terminology]
Pre-tax capital income [pre-tax capital income ranking] is the sum of all pretax personal income flows accruing to the individual owners of capital as a production factor, before taking into account the operation of the tax/transfer system, but after taking into account the operation of pension system. The central difference between personal factor income and pretax income is the treatment of pensions, which are counted on a contribution basis by factor income and on a distribution basis by pretax income.

Chart for All the population (1962-2014)

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Chart for the Top 1% of the population (1962-2014)

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Chart for the Top 10% of the population (1962-2014)

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Chart for the Bottom 90% of the population (1962-2014)

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Percentiles combined in one chart (1962-2014)

Available series for this indicator (Pre-tax capital income [pre-tax capital income ranking])

We source all the data from the World Inequality Database.