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Pre-tax national income (United States)
Adults | Equal-split adults | Average

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Pre-tax national income is the sum of all pre-tax personal income flows accruing to the owners of the production factors, labor and capital, before taking into account the operation of the tax/transfer system, but after taking into account the operation of pension system. The central difference between personal factor income and pre-tax income is the treatment of pensions, which are counted on a contribution basis by factor income and on a distribution basis by pre-tax income.

Chart for All the population (1913-2014)

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Chart for the Top 1% of the population (1913-2014)

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Chart for the Top 10% of the population (1913-2014)

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Chart for the Bottom 90% of the population (1913-2014)

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Percentiles combined in one chart (1913-2014)

Available series for this indicator (Pre-tax national income)

We source all the data from the World Inequality Database.